Curs matematica online pregatire pentru evaluarea nationala

40 de video-tutoriale, prin intermediul cărora disciplina matematică va fi pusă la dispoziția elevilor și a profesorilor, într-un mod inovativ, modern pentru a fi utilizată în cadrul orelor cu elevii care se pregătesc pentru evaluarea națională.

IMPORTANT - Cursul se afla in etapa de dezvoltare in acest moment. Cursanții vor fi notificați atunci când cursul va fi finalizat.

Modul 1 Arithmetic and algebra
Unitate 1 The four operations
Unitate 2 Approximations and Roundings
Unitate 3 Algebra - Basic concepts
Unitate 4 Positive and Negative Numbers
Unitate 5 Sequences
Unitate 6 Factors and multiples
Unitate 7 Indices and standard form
Unitate 8 Fractions, decimals and percentages
Unitate 9 Ration and proportions
Unitate 10 Calculations with fractions and percentages
Unitate 11 Rate of change, growth and decay
Unitate 12 Geometric Mean
Unitate 13 Probability of an event
Unitate 14 Probability
Unitate 15 Collection and representation of data
Unitate 16 Arithmetic progression
Unitate 17 Geometric progressions
Modul 2 Functions
Unitate 1 Graphs
Unitate 2 Dependent functional
Unitate 3 Abbreviation of algebraic formulas
Unitate 4 Function of type I
Unitate 5 Functions of type II
Modul 3 Equations
Unitate 1 Algebraic expressions
Unitate 2 The first degree equation
Unitate 3 The equation of type 2
Unitate 4 Exponential equations
Unitate 5 Solving problems with equations
Modul 4 Geometry
Unitate 1 Geometry - Introduction
Unitate 2 Unghiuri
Unitate 3 Perimeter, area, volume
Unitate 4 Median of a triangle
Unitate 5 Rectangle
Unitate 6 The Square
Unitate 7 The Thales theorem
Unitate 8 The right parallelipiped
Unitate 9 Fundamental theory of similarity
Unitate 10 Pythagora's Theorem
Unitate 11 Circle
Unitate 12 Pyramid
Unitate 13 Regulated tetrahedron
Modul 5 Feed-back session
Unitate 1 Feed-back questionnaire

Mathematics Open Online Course (Age 13-18)
